Terms of Service

Content, Updates & Copyright

  • The quotation will include updates of up to three (3) iterations per phase (eg. Wireframes, Layouts, UAT). The fourth (4th) round of changes will be reasonably charged, depending on the extent of the update.
  • Upon confirmation (at each phase) and when project goes LIVE, additional change requests will be charged accordingly.
  • Function specifications and website content will be outlined and provided as detailed on the quotation.
  • Additional pages will be charged accordingly based on our hourly rate which is SGD$90 per hour. Amount of time spent will vary with the complexity of the proposed page/design.
  • Should there be a requirement for additional functions, a revised quotation will need to be presented.
  • Copywriting & images are to be provided by the Client unless specified in the quotation.
  • The Client is responsible in ensuring that the website content is thoroughly tested before it is applied to production (LIVE) environment.
  • The Client will indemnify T2 Web Pte Ltd against any claim suits or proceedings by third parties and further will indemnify T2 Web for all damages, liabilities and all expenses and costs incurred by T2 Web as a result of such claim.
  • The indemnifying party’s obligations are conditioned upon the indemnified party giving the indemnifying party prompt notice of any claim, action, suit or proceeding for which the indemnified party is seeking indemnity.
  • The Client will ensure that copyright of the contents do not infringe the copyright of others. T2 Web will not be responsible for any copyright claim brought by copyright owners for the improper and/or unsanctioned use of copyrighted image or design.
  • The Client undertakes that the contents provided to be used by T2 Web in the website are not in any way unlawful, misleading, offensive and/or prejudicial or is likely to expose T2 Web to prosecution, criticism or disrepute.

Cross-browser/Mobile Devices Compatibility

  • The completed website will be viewable on stable versions of the latest Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari & Firefox browsers.
  • The completed website will be viewable on iPad/iPhone’s Safari & Chrome browsers (on latest versions at point of website completion).
  • The EDM will be tested to be viewable on stable versions of the mail clients (Apple Mail, Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016, iOS 7, Android 4.2, Gmail) before the actual blast.

EDM Blast Service & Confidentiality of Data

  • T2 Web Pte Ltd will respect the intellectual property rights of the Client and will not use any of the database provided for any other purposes than those related to the Service. The Client’s customer information will not be shared with any other parties. In addition, T2 Web Pte Ltd will not use the Client’s customer information for the purpose of sending unsolicited commercial email.
  • The database will be sent out as provided, with the hard bounces, unsubscribes, duplicates and blacklisted emails removed. The final number of emails to send out will be provided for the Client confirmation before the actual blast. The Client is responsible to ensure that the database provided are final and that all the email address provided in the database are solicited.
  • T2 Web Pte Ltd reserves the right to discontinue our EDM blast service in the cases where:
    • The bounce rate of the EDM blast is more than 3%.
    • The spam complaint rate of the EDM blast is more than 0.001%.
  • This means the Client must ensure that the database provided should be cleaned of unsubscribers or recipients who have opted-out and indicated to be removed from the database.
  • T2 Web Pte Ltd will not send out EDM to:
    • Purchased Lists
    • Rented Lists
    • Third-party Lists
  • Each EDM must adhere to the CAN-SPAM Law – notably:
    • Each EDM must carry an in the Subject field.
    • Each EDM must include an Unsubscribe option for the single-click opt-out.
    • The Client must state clearly the reason the recipient is receiving the EDM.
    • The physical address or contact information of the Client must be displayed visibly in each EDM.
  • The Client will as its own accord ensure that any lists supplied by them comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
  • T2 Web Pte Ltd will provide recommendations to make revisions to the Subject title or EDM content to ensure successful delivery, better open rates & click-through rates. However it is up to the Client to accept the recommendations.
  • General reports will be provided after each EDM with information such as number of bounces, number of unsubscribers, number of spam complaints and number of clicks for each link on the EDM.
  • Detailed reports (such as tracking of date and time of each click etc) will be subject to additional charges.
  • Charges for each EDM blast might vary depending on the complexity of the EDM content.

Support Time

  • Urgent update requests to be made outside our operating hours (Mondays to Fridays, 9.30am to 5.30pm) will be subject to further charges.
  • Charges outside our operating hours will be based on 1.5 times the man-hour rate.
  • Charges on-site, where required, will be based on 2 times the man-hour rate.
  • From time to time, downtime, either scheduled or unscheduled, may occur. T2 Web Pte Ltd will work within reason to ensure this amount of down-time is limited. T2 Web Pte Ltd will not be held liable for the consequences of any down-time.
  • The Client must provide T2 Web Pte Ltd with reasonable notice for the EDM to be prepared and sent out.

Company Exclusion

  • T2 Web shall not be obliged to furnish service under the following circumstances:
    • If the Client does not have the necessary intellectual property rights to amend the source codes to its new or existing applications or frameworks.
    • If the professional services are to be utilized for maintenance services or requests to resolve issues for production applications where T2 Web Pte Ltd has no prior signed maintenance contracts or service level agreements.
    • If there is a lost of data or programs on the Client’s equipment. The Client is responsible to maintain regular data backup facilities.
    • Application defects or incompatibilities resulting from firmware, operating system, database or framework patches. The Client is responsible in ensuring that thorough regression testing is completed before any upgrades are applied to the production environment.


  • Unless agreed by the parties, the rights of third parties are expressly excluded under the contract.
  • The Client agrees that T2 Web Pte Ltd will not be liable for special indirect or inconsequential damage thereunder, including but not limited to the loss of data or information of any kind, however caused.
  • If either party shall neglect or fail to perform any of its obligations thereunder or such condition is not remedied within 20 days after written notice, the other party shall have the right to terminate the service.
  • T2 Web will not be responsible or liable for any damages arising out of the actions of the client’s servants and/or agents.


  • The Client is solely responsible for the contents published on the website or EDM and the view and position expressed are solely that of the Client. T2 Web Pte Ltd bears no editorial control over the contents and shall bear no legal responsibilities.

Payment Terms

  • Unless stated otherwise, payment for services provided by T2 Web would be made as follow: 50% of project total amount upfront on confirmation, the balance of 50% shall be made once the website is published LIVE on the web; project is actively used by the end-users.
  • Cheque Payment: Kindly address the cheque to “T2 Web Pte Ltd”.
  • Internet Bank Transfer: Our bank details are as follow: DBS Bank, Bank Code: 7171, Branch Code: 048, Account Number: 0489-01069-0. Company Name: T2 Web Pte Ltd.
  • In any event that any amount remains unpaid twenty-one (21) days after invoice date, T2 Web Pte Ltd reserves the right to discontinue, withhold or suspend services to the Client to whom such unpaid amounts relate.
  • T2 Web Pte Ltd reserves the right to charge an interest of 2% per annum on the unpaid amount until the full amount is paid.
  • In the event that T2 Web has to utilize legal recourse to recover any payment from the Client, the Client will be liable to pay all legal costs incurred by the Defendant or a Solicitor and Client basis.